Wednesday, October 2, 2013

half way through week 1, recovery day tomorrow!


It is Wednesday and I am pumped for the week to be almost done. I have one more thing to do tonight, watching an apprentice (who I think just got done with the apprenticeship) teach an intro class. The major movement being taught is the we go! I am for sure fried; no tv or internet has made for some interesting down time (don't really have any anyways). If anyone out there is 100% efficient in installing an air conditioner which the exhaust goes through the window I would appreciate some help (I think I figured it out but do not think it's right)

Monday was an interesting start to the week. An extremely cluttered house does not sit will with me, and after going to bed at 145am, not sleeping well cause Alaide kicks!!! :), trying to get the week started with what we need and what we need to do, some construction on the house and accomplishing nothing, going to work, meeting people and kissing the babies, paperwork, closing the gym up only to come home to being locked out! Some miscommunication on our part led to the key being inside...when no one was home! Sleep schedule off, eating schedule off however I did eat 2 meals on Tuesday instead of 1 on Monday, currently I am eating my 2nd and will eat a 3rd when I get home around getting back into it.

Yesterday in the AM I completed a 60' steady state effort at about 60%MHR
in PM I completed a EMOM for 12', odd minutes were 5 muscle up, even were 10 walking OH lunge w/ 115.


1. cardio + mobility
2. 3x3 tgu/SLRDL
3. take 12-14' to get a couple sets at 75-80%, 5power snatch + 1 snatch balance
4. IWT:

 800m run
 8 TnG Snatch @ 75-80% from above
 3' rest, x3

 2' of burpee box jump (shoot for 25)
 7 TnG DL @ 65-70%
 3' rest, x3

 8 deficit HSPU on pipes
 8 strict pull ups
 x4, not for time



  1. For some reason, I loved this post. Keep your head up Mikey. You're doing fine.
