Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Friend, Wednesday 28August2013

There are few days out of the year that I remember a specific date. What I mean by that is remembering a day that has true significance to me. The 28th of August will always be a day that means something to me, something that means more than a sunny day closing out the end of summer. No 28th of August will ever be defined by work issues or relationship quarrels. The day to me, is a burning candle, it is one of silence and it is one not of me. It is one of the few days out of the year that I am constantly reminded that it's ok.  Life isn't bad and mine is great. What I do is not that important rather what I believe in, and at the end of the day what is life without people we care for or the people that care for us.

I am incredibly lucky to have met great people in life, some that I do not talk to on a consistent basis yet still have affected my life greatly, some have made me into the person I am today. There are also some that I can not talk to anymore, our time together was cut for whatever reason and that is all I have to hold on to. I am not very emotional, and try not to look into things too much but every so often, on the 28th of August I miss my friend. He helped me in more ways than one and I wish for my selfish sake that I could share a beer with him. I would want to know stories of his college years, and all the dumb things we would have done. Most of all I would have wanted to hug him as we used to do often. The hug meant nothing to us at the time but looking back means everything to me. It was a bond, one that only years can create along with experience that are irreplaceable. A son should never outlive his parents, and a friend should never have to notify those parents that their child has passed. It is tragic and the world keeps spinning, but my world doesn't spin the same on the 28th of August for this day my world had changed because someone close to me was taken. My friend I miss you, and I wish to meet again.

I am not posting my training today.

1 comment:

  1. It is good to remember those who have impacted us for the better and to be grateful, even if remembering can also cause pain. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes, some of which we have control over and others that we just don't. I'm sorry for your loss, Mikey. While I don't believe God ever delights in death, I am a firm believer that each life carries purpose and that he can redeem even the most painful losses. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
